How to find the most matching sentence in another sentence?
matchSentence = ["weather in", "weather at", "weather on"]
sentence = "weather on monday"
for item in matchSentence:
''' here get the index of the `item`
if all the words are in the `item` is in the `sentence`
I'm looking for a function which will check whether all the words are present in the sentence
or not.
Desired result is: 2
matchSentence = ["weather in", "weather at", "weather on"]
sentence = "weather on monday"
maxCount = 0
maxCntInd = -1
words1 = sentence.split() # list of all words in sentence
wordSet1 = set(words1)
for item in matchSentence:
''' here get the index of the `item`
if all the words are in the `item.split()` is in the `sentence`
words2 = item.split() # list of all words in item
wordSet2 = set(words2)
commonWords = len(wordSet2.intersection(wordSet1))
if commonWords >= maxCount:
maxCount = commonWords
maxCntInd = matchSentence.index(item)