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Vuetify Slider set value from vuex store

I am trying to set an existing value from my vuex store to my vuetify slider. But it always positions to 0.

This is my slider / my code:

     :value="pureFontSize || ''"

export default Vue.extend({
  data: () => ({
    sizeOfFont: '',

  computed:  {
    ...mapState(['font', 'fontSize']),

    pureFontSize() {
      return this.fontSize.toString().replace('px', '');
  methods: {
    changeFontSize() {
      this.$store.commit('setFontSize', `${this.sizeOfFont}px`);

If I console.log this.fontSize it actually returns the saved fontsize from my vuex store but I am unable to set it as a default value to my slider.


  • The issue is that you are using both v-model, value and change event to control the font property, and they are interacting with each other. You should use either v-model or a combination of value and change event to control the property, something like the following with v-model only:

    export default Vue.extend({
      computed:  {
        ...mapState(['font', 'fontSize']),
        sizeOfFont: {
          get() {
            return this.fontSize.toString().replace('px', '');
          set(val) {
            this.$store.commit('setFontSize', `${val}px`);

    And then in your Vuex store, you can give sizeOfFont a default value, which should be picked up by v-model.