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Python cartopy map, clip area outside country (polygon)

I create a Stamen terrain map with the country border from NaturalEarth. Now I want to remove all the data (terrain in this case) from outside the country border. How would I do that?

My example with the terrain visible inside and outside of Switzerland:

from import shapereader
import as cimgt
import as ccrs
import geopandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

resolution = '10m'
category = 'cultural'
name = 'admin_0_countries'

shpfilename = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution, category, name)

df = geopandas.read_file(shpfilename)

poly = [df.loc[df['ADMIN'] == 'Switzerland']['geometry'].values[0]]

stamen_terrain = cimgt.Stamen('terrain-background')

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))

ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1,
ax.add_geometries(poly, crs=ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='none', edgecolor='r')
exts = [poly[0].bounds[0], poly[0].bounds[2], poly[0].bounds[1], poly[0].bounds[3]]
ax.set_extent(exts, crs=ccrs.Geodetic())

ax.add_image(stamen_terrain, 8)

enter image description here

How can I show only the terrain within the border, and the rest outside as white/transparent?

Tried to play with this direction, but without success so far:


  • You need a mask to hide the un-wanted part of the image. Here is a runnable code that demonstrates all the steps to get the intended plot.

    from shapely.geometry import Polygon
    from import shapereader
    import as cimgt
    import as ccrs
    import geopandas
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def rect_from_bound(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):
        """Returns list of (x,y)'s for a rectangle"""
        xs = [xmax, xmin, xmin, xmax, xmax]
        ys = [ymax, ymax, ymin, ymin, ymax]
        return [(x, y) for x, y in zip(xs, ys)]
    # request data for use by geopandas
    resolution = '10m'
    category = 'cultural'
    name = 'admin_0_countries'
    shpfilename = shapereader.natural_earth(resolution, category, name)
    df = geopandas.read_file(shpfilename)
    # get geometry of a country
    poly = [df.loc[df['ADMIN'] == 'Switzerland']['geometry'].values[0]]
    stamen_terrain = cimgt.Stamen('terrain-background')
    # projections that involved
    st_proj =  #projection used by Stamen images
    ll_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()  #CRS for raw long/lat
    # create fig and axes using intended projection
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=st_proj)
    ax.add_geometries(poly, crs=ll_proj, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black')
    pad1 = .1  #padding, degrees unit
    exts = [poly[0].bounds[0] - pad1, poly[0].bounds[2] + pad1, poly[0].bounds[1] - pad1, poly[0].bounds[3] + pad1];
    ax.set_extent(exts, crs=ll_proj)
    # make a mask polygon by polygon's difference operation
    # base polygon is a rectangle, another polygon is simplified switzerland
    msk = Polygon(rect_from_bound(*exts)).difference( poly[0].simplify(0.01) )
    msk_stm  = st_proj.project_geometry (msk, ll_proj)  # project geometry to the projection used by stamen
    # get and plot Stamen images
    ax.add_image(stamen_terrain, 8) # this requests image, and plot
    # plot the mask using semi-transparency (alpha=0.65) on the masked-out portion
    ax.add_geometries( msk_stm, st_proj, zorder=12, facecolor='white', edgecolor='none', alpha=0.65)

    The resulting plot:

    enter image description here

    and the mask:

    enter image description here


    The code above is good for a single country. If multiple contiguous countries are our new target, we need to select all of them and dissolve into a single geometry. Only a few lines of code need to be modified.

    Example: new target countries: ['Norway','Sweden', 'Finland']

    The line of code to be replaced:

    poly = [df.loc[df['ADMIN'] == 'Switzerland']['geometry'].values[0]]

    New lines of code to replace:

    scan3 = df[ df['ADMIN'].isin(['Norway','Sweden', 'Finland']) ]
    scan3_dissolved = scan3.dissolve(by='LEVEL')
    poly = [scan3_dissolved['geometry'].values[0]]

    The sample output map:

    enter image description here