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Why after login my react-navigation routing does not work properly?

I have navigation container(created in react-navigation)

const AppStack = createStackNavigator();

const AppStackScreen = () => (
            <AppStack.Screen name="Tabbed" component={TabsScreenNavigationScreen} />

class AppNavigationContainer extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            appLoading : true,

    user = {};

    componentDidMount() {
        let _this = this;

            .then(() => {
                this.setState({appLoading: !_this.state.appLoading})

    getUser = async () => {
        return await AsyncStoreService.getUserFromStore()
            .then((user) => {
                this.user = user;

    render() {
        const user = this.user;
        const {
        } = this.state;

        return (
                {appLoading ?
                        {user ?

export default AppNavigationContainer;

How can you see I have separated modules for app and login. login router:

const AuthStack = createStackNavigator();

const AuthStackNavigationScreen = () => (
            options={{title: false}}
            options={{title: false}}
            component={LoginScreen }
            options={{title: 'Sign In'}}
            options={{title: 'Create Account'}}

export default AuthStackNavigationScreen;

Tabbed router for app:

const GalleryStack  = createStackNavigator();
const SearchStack   = createStackNavigator();
const MessagesStack = createStackNavigator();
const MenuStack     = createStackNavigator();
const Tabs          = createBottomTabNavigator();

const GalleryStackScreen = () => (
        <GalleryStack.Screen name="Gallery"     component={GalleryScreen} />
        <GalleryStack.Screen name="GalleryItem" component={GalleryItemScreen} />

const SearchStackScreen = () => (
        <SearchStack.Screen name="Search"        component={SearchScreen} />
        <SearchStack.Screen name="SearchResults" component={SearchResultsScreen} />

const MessagesStackScreen = () => (
        <MessagesStack.Screen name="ConversationList" component={ConversationListScreen} />
        <MessagesStack.Screen name="Conversation"     component={ConversationScreen} />

const MenuStackScreen = () => (
        <MenuStack.Screen name="Menu"  component={MenuScreen} />
        <MenuStack.Screen name="About" component={AboutScreen} />

const TabsScreenNavigationScreen = () => (
        <Tabs.Screen name="Gallery"  component={GalleryStackScreen} />
        <Tabs.Screen name="Search"   component={SearchStackScreen} />
        <Tabs.Screen name="Messages" component={MessagesStackScreen} />
        <Tabs.Screen name="Menu"     component={MenuStackScreen} />

export default TabsScreenNavigationScreen;

So on login screen name="SignIn" I login, perform navigation.navigate('Tabbed') after succesfully login and get message:

The action 'NAVIGATE' with payload {"name":"Tabbed"} was not handled by any navigator.

Do you have a screen named 'Tabbed'?

He doesnt 'see' my tab navigation. Why it happens so(I have such screen name and put it to render), and how can I fix this?


  • According to the stack you have you will either have the appstack or the authstack at a given moment

        {user ?

    So you cant navigate to tabbed from signin screen which does not exist.

    The way you can handle this is update the user object maybe using a callback function or use context instead of state which will trigger a render of the AppNavigationContainer and the tabbed stack will automatically rendered instead of the auth stack. You wont need a navigate you should do the same for logout to where you will set the user to null.

    You can refer more on Auth flows