I am working with data set with instances of events (like road-accident, gun violence), with details about events in column.
I want to calculate number of event per million population for each state, for that i have important population per state data.
I have change state as factor and counted the number of event per state:
countbystate <- data1 %>%
group_by(state) %>%
However, i am unable to generate a object with rate per 1 million population. I tried joining two data state by state hoping calculation world work but i have no luck far.
I am sure this might be quite simple for somebody who is using R since long but i am having hard time calculating this rate metric which i need for visualization.
Thanks in Advance.
To answer this question one needs to merge a source of U.S. state level population data with the data frame containing the event by state data. Fortunately, the United States taxpayers have paid to have this information collected by funding of the U.S. Census Bureau.
We will use the 2019 U.S. population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau that are included in a data set of state level population estimates from 2010 - 2019, merge them with yesterday's COVID-19 stats courtesy of our friends at the Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering, and calculate confirmed cases & death rates per million population.
First, we download and load the US population data, which looks like this.
popData <- "https://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/tables/2010-2019/state/totals/nst-est2019-01.xlsx"
Next we load the population data, assign column names and keep the July 2019 estimate. We skip the first few rows of data that are summary rows for the total U.S. and aggregated regions of states, as well as the last row which contains data for Puerto Rico.
colNames <- c("state","census2010","est_base",paste0("est_",2010:2019))
usPopEst <- read_excel("./data/nst-est2019-01.xlsx",
col_names = colNames)[c(1,13)]
usPopEst$state <- gsub("\\.","",usPopEst$state)
Now, we read the COVID-19 data as of June 20th, 2020 from my forked version of the JHU CCSE COVID-19 Github repository.
# read covid-19 data for June 20th
covidFile <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lgreski/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports/06-20-2020.csv"
covidData <- read.csv(covidFile,
Since the COVID-19 data is at a county / zip code level, we need to aggregate up to the state level. We'll then merge it with the population estimates and calculate incidence rates per million population.
# aggregate stats to state level
covidData %>% filter(Country_Region == "US") %>%
rename(state = Province_State) %>%
group_by(state) %>%
summarise(Confirmed = sum(Confirmed),
Deaths = sum(Deaths)) %>%
inner_join(.,usPopEst) %>%
mutate(confirmed_per_million = Confirmed / (est_2019 / 1000000),
death_per_million = Deaths / (est_2019 / 1000000)) -> summedStates
...and the output:
> head(summedStates)
# A tibble: 6 x 6
state Confirmed Deaths est_2019 confirmed_per_million death_per_million
<chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Alabama 29549 838 4903185 6026. 171.
2 Alaska 741 12 731545 1013. 16.4
3 Arizona 50127 1346 7278717 6887. 185.
4 Arkansas 15142 224 3017804 5018. 74.2
5 California 175213 5494 39512223 4434. 139.
6 Colorado 30333 1647 5758736 5267. 286.