I am trying to make protocol which generic types are limited to types can be saved to UserDefaults.
Is it possible to have type constraints with either conforms to a specific type or another specific type?
For example code below works.
public protocol UserDefaultsRequestType {
associatedtype ValueToSet where ValueToSet == URL
var valueToSet: ValueToSet { get }
Something I want achieve is like the blow
public protocol UserDefaultsRequestType {
// Value should either be a type URL, String or Bool
associatedtype ValueToSet where ValueToSet == URL || ValueToSet == String || ValueToSet == Bool
var valueToSet: ValueToSet { get }
This look more like a XOR, since a variable can't be an URL
and a String
at the same time but to answer you question you can't do it!
But I think you already know that since the compiler probably told you :
Consecutive declarations on a line must be separated by ';'
But if you want ValueToSet
to be either URL
, String
or Bool
It should be because these 3 types have something that you need in common, and it means a conformance to a protocol
or inheritance
from a base class.
The 3 types you gave conforms
So let's say you want to be able to use them as keys in a Dictionary
you could write :
associatedtype ValueToSet where ValueToSet: Hashable
Meaning that ValueToSet
can be ANY type conforming to Hashable
But since you seem to be working with UserDefaults
and it's public methods to set default values are not using protocols
nor classes.
func set(_ url: URL?, forKey defaultName: String)
This approach won't get you far, the one proposed by Sweeper is probably best for you.