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Not able to create Hive table with TIMESTAMP datatype in Azure Databricks

org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Parquet does not support timestamp. See HIVE-6384;

Getting above error while executing following code in Azure Databricks.

                    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dev_db.processing_table
                      campaign STRING,
                      status STRING,
                      file_name STRING,
                      arrival_time TIMESTAMP
                    PARTITIONED BY ( 
                      Date DATE)
                    ROW FORMAT SERDE
                    STORED AS INPUTFORMAT
                    LOCATION "/mnt/data_analysis/pre-processed/"


  • As per Hive-6384 Jira, Starting from Hive-1.2 you can use Timestamp,date types in parquet tables.

    Workarounds for Hive < 1.2 version:

    1. Using String type:

    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dev_db.processing_table
                          campaign STRING,
                          status STRING,
                          file_name STRING,
                          arrival_time STRING
                        PARTITIONED BY ( 
                          Date STRING)
                       Stored as parquet
                       Location '/mnt/data_analysis/pre-processed/';

    Then while processing you can cast arrival_time,Date cast to timestamp,date types.

    Using a view and cast the columns but views are slow.

    2. Using ORC format:

    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dev_db.processing_table
                          campaign STRING,
                          status STRING,
                          file_name STRING,
                          arrival_time Timestamp
                        PARTITIONED BY ( 
                          Date date)
                       Stored as orc
                       Location '/mnt/data_analysis/pre-processed/';

    ORC supports both timestamp,date type