Branched out of master and created branch A to work on some test features.
After all tests were passing in branch A, wanted to move all the code to be thread safe and work with the well known ThreadLocal<> class in Java. To not harm the working tests in branch A, I've opened a new branch B from branch A and worked on it.
Now, the tests from branch B are working good and I would like to merge them to the master.
If I will go by the hierarchy I should merge branch B to branch A and then branch A to the master.
But, I think its there is no use in branch A any more.
p.s. - I'm working on BitBucket.
What will happen if I erase branch A ? Would branch B automatically be under master? Or it will be "lost".
What will happen if I merge branch B to the master ? Should I erase branch A afterwards and thats it?
Would love to hear the proper way to work in this situation, and my mistake by working this way.
master -> A -> B
You can create new branch C from the master branch and then cherry-pick your commit from branch B to branch C. After then you can merge branch C in to the master branch. Now if you don't want to keep branch A and B then you can delete them. This is one of safest way.