I'm trying to crawl relatedwords.org website for similar words but the blocks in which the words are being shown are not there in the source code. Here's the code I'm using:
public class SimilarWords {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
Document homePage = Jsoup.connect("https://relatedwords.org/relatedto/towing").ignoreHttpErrors(true).get();
What might be the reason for it?
You are basicly requesting the wrong url.
returns the same as https://relatedwords.org
If you inspect the requests made by the browser you can see an XHR request which is requesting the actual answers for your searched term: https://relatedwords.org/api/related?term=towing
This is the url you have to query. It returns your data neatly in JSON format.
You can inspect the requests with the developer tool in the browser . Press F12