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Looking for a way to call pacman and make via MINGW64 in C#

So, I am working on a utility to create a GUI for cloning, updating, and ultimately compiling a GitHub project. I have already created a script which does the same general thing via an MSYS2 terminal directly, but I am having trouble getting those same type of commands to work in a C# GUI. I have had luck calling that same script from within the GUI at the click of a button, but I would like to be able to package everything as a standalone executable rather than have to bundle it with a script, though I will if that's what it comes down to in the end.

Here's what I have now (with some if statements removed for controlling additional arguments):

ProcessStartInfo compileStart = new ProcessStartInfo();
compileStart.FileName = this.textMSYS2.Text + "\\usr\\bin\\mintty.exe";
this.outputText.Text += "Configuring MSYS2 process...\n";

compileStart.Arguments += "-h always /bin/env MSYSTEM=MINGW64 /bin/bash -l ";

compile.StartInfo = compileStart;

As it currently stands, it fails if I add either pacman or make calls or even a simple dir call. The errors returned look like this:

/usr/bin/make: /usr/bin/make: cannot execute binary file
/bin/env: Exit 126.

If however I make it a call to my ./ script, the script executes without a problem and the MINGW64 window even remains open after it is done. Any insight as to how I can get this to work without having to package a script with it as well would be appreciated.


  • I think you're missing a -c alongside -l there. Bash has three modes of operation (maybe more, but that's irrelevant at the moment):

    • -i: interactive; accepts individual commands supplied through standard input
    • -c FOO: run command FOO
    • interpret a shell script

    In your case, you're supplying commands, but Bash is trying to interpret them as names of shell script files.