I have this assignment to prove that this problem:
Finite alphabet £, two strings x,y € £*, and a positive integer K. Is there a way to derive the string y from the string x by a sequence of K or fewer operations of single symbol deletion or adjacent symbol interchange?
is np-complete. I already figured out I have to make transformation from decision version of set covering problem, but I have no clue how to do this. Any help would be appreciated.
It looks like modified Levenshtein distance. Problem can be solved with DP in quadratic time.
Transformation from minimum set cover (MSC) to this string correction problem is described in:
Robert A. Wagner
On the complexity of the Extended String-to-String Correction Problem
1975, Proceedings of seventh annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing
In short with MSC problem:
Given finite sets x_1, ..., x_n, and integer L, does there exists a subset J of {1,...,n} such that |J| <= L, and
union_{j in J} x_j = union all x_i ?
Let w = union all x_i, let t = |w| and r = t^2, and choose symbols Q, R, S not in w.
Take strings:
A = Q^r R x_1 Q^r S^(r+1) ... Q^r R x_n Q^r S^(r+1)
B = R Q^r ... R Q^r w S^(r+1) ... S^(r+1) <- each ... is n times
k = (l+1)r - 1 + 2t(r+1)(n-1) + n(n-1)(r+1)^2/2 + (r*n + |x_1 ... x_n| - t)*W_d
[W_d is delete operation weight, can be 1.]
It is shown that string-string correction problems (A,B,k) is satisfiable iff source MSC problem is.
From strings construction it is clear that proof is not trivial :-) But it isn't too complex to manage.