Is it possible to force a Node.js app to run a function (i.e. send an API call) right before it crashes due to OOM?
I am trying to log the timestamps of OOM crashes, but this requires the ability to run a function right before the process gets killed. PM2 is currently being used to manage this Node.js process.
Medium: Detect heap overflow on Node.js: JavaScript heap out of memory
Uses the cluster module. Forks a worker that on exit
event forks another worker that logs:
total_heap_size: The size V8 has allocated for the heap. This can grow if used_heap_size needs more. heap_size_limit: The absolute size limit the heap cannot exceed. e.g.: max_old_space_size
It then exits and spawns a new worker and runs the main function again. This prevents crashing on out of memory, since it exits before the out of memory error is triggered and spawns a new worker. If you still want it to crash you can remove process.exit()
is a demo function that consumes a large amount of memory.
const cluster = require('cluster');
const v8 = require('v8');
let heavyHeapConsumer = () => {
let arrays = [];
setInterval(() => {
arrays.push(new Array(1000000));
}, 100);
if (cluster.isMaster) {
cluster.on('exit', (deadWorker, code, signal) => {
// Restart the worker
let worker = cluster.fork();
// Note the process IDs
let newPID =;
let oldPID =;
// Log the event
console.log('worker ' + oldPID + ' died.');
console.log('worker ' + newPID + ' born.');
} else { // worker
const initialStats = v8.getHeapStatistics();
const totalHeapSizeThreshold =
initialStats.heap_size_limit * 85 / 100;
console.log("totalHeapSizeThreshold: " + totalHeapSizeThreshold);
let detectHeapOverflow = () => {
let stats = v8.getHeapStatistics();
console.log("total_heap_size: " + (stats.total_heap_size));
if ((stats.total_heap_size) > totalHeapSizeThreshold) {
setInterval(detectHeapOverflow, 1000);
// here goes the main logic