I have a state called time
@State var time = 0
and an ObservedObject called timerWrapper
@ObservedObject var timerWrapper = TimerWrapper()
time can be updated from a child view and I want to be also able to update it using the timerWrapper (theObservedObject), if I use this:
self.time = self.timerWrapper.remainingSeconds
and do this:
The text doesn’t update. It only works if I do this:
I know that’s because when remainingSeconds is published it will reload the UI. But how can I get around this? Reminder I have 2 possible sources that can updated time, this is why I’m not using the observed object directly when creating the Text in the viewbuilder.
If you want to update local state on view model published property (for whatever reason), here is a way to do this
Text(time) // << not binding, just property
.onReceive(timerWrapper.$remainingSeconds) { value in // listen for publisher $
self.time = value