The trouble I'm having with this program is that it is not including the bounds even though I use the >= <= operators. Also for some reason the words that are output are each separated by a newline rather than printing one after another.
For example, if the chosen .txt file contains:
and the chosen upper and lower bounds are:
The program prints:
Here is what I'm working with. Any help is greatly appreciated!
import os
user_file = input() #reads name of user chosen .txt file containing alphabetized one word per line lists
lo_limit = input() #reads a user chosen word as the inclusive lower alphabetical limit
up_limit = input() #reads a user chosen word as the inclusive upper alphabetical limit
file_handle = open(user_file) #opens user chosen file
lines = file_handle.readlines() #creates by-line string of file contents
#if user chosen file contains words equal to or between bounds, prints words
for ln in lines:
if ln >= lo_limit \
and ln <= up_limit:
That happens because when you do f.readlines()
this will return a list like this:
>>>['Aladdin\n', 'Batman\n', 'Dinosaurs\n', 'Edgar\n', 'Fruitloop\n', 'Mongoose']
And when you enter up_limit=Edgar
, you will be comparing each of the list f.readlines()
with the word Edgar
like this:
'Aladdin\n'>=lo_limit and 'Aladdin\n'<='Edgar'
'Batman\n'>=lo_limit and ''Batman\n''<='Edgar'
And when becomes the iteration of 'Edgar\n'
you can check that:
Out[6]: False
And that's why 'Edgar' is not printed. You could try:
import os
user_file = input() #reads name of user chosen .txt file containing alphabetized one word per line lists
lo_limit = input() #reads a user chosen word as the inclusive lower alphabetical limit
up_limit = input() #reads a user chosen word as the inclusive upper alphabetical limit
with open(str(user_file)) as file_handle:#opens user chosen file
lines = file_handle.readlines()
#if user chosen file contains words equal to or between bounds, prints words
for ln in lines:
if (ln > lo_limit) or (ln == lo_limit) or (ln < up_limit):
if (ln == up_limit+'\n'):
Or you can select by index:
user_file = input() #reads name of user chosen .txt file containing alphabetized one word per line lists
lo_limit = str(input()) #reads a user chosen word as the inclusive lower alphabetical limit
up_limit = str(input()) #reads a user chosen word as the inclusive upper alphabetical limit
with open(str(user_file)) as file_handle:#opens user chosen file
lines = file_handle.readlines() #creates by-line string of file contents
for i in linesselected: