I can access class-level attribute of a class (B) in method of another class (A) but I cannot access that at class-level of class A. The issue can be resolved by defining B after A but why is this so and how can I access that keeping class B after class A.
I am looking for solution without class inheritance and without creating object of class B inside __init__
of class A.
See the code here:
class A:
a=B.b # This doesn't work
def __init__(self):
print(B.b) #This works
class B:
Assuming you don’t need to use the attribute while defining A
(e.g., for a default argument), you can just assign it later:
class A:
def __init__(self):
class B:
or even
class A:
def __init__(self):
class B:
if you consider the classes so closely related that an assignment to one inside the other is less surprising than one outside both.