I would like to get the Application name of a specific sObject. For example: I have a custom object called Candidate__c. How to get the Application name of Candidate__c programmatically? I am open to any approach like using Schema Namespace as well.
I am answering my question. I used Schema.describeTabs() and It works perfectly, but the Doc says the DescribeTabs method returns the minimum required metadata that can be used to render apps ...
Basically, The All Tabs
are not included in the list of described tabs. The results are dependent upon the apps that are available to the running user.
// Get tab set describes for each app
List<Schema.DescribeTabSetResult> allApps = Schema.describeTabs();
// Iterate through each tab set describe for each app
for (Schema.DescribeTabSetResult oneApp : allApps) {
System.debug('The tabs/objects associated with the' + oneApp.getLabel() + ' app are:');
List<Schema.DescribeTabResult> appTabs = oneApp.getTabs();
for (Integer i = 0; i < appTabs.size(); i++) {
System.debug((i + 1) + '. Tab Name: ' + appTabs[i].getLabel());