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DataTemplate with data binding from two sources

I have a data template with an image which has Source property binding to the default source(the observable collection, it works fine). The issue is that I need its IsVisible property binding to other source(an object declared in my code behind) but when running app I'm getting this on console:

Binding: 'ScrollEvent' property not found on 'Xamarin.Forms.Binding', target property: 'FFImageLoading.Forms.CachedImage.IsVisible'

Relevant parts of my code:


<DataTemplate x:Key="MapMsgSend">


        Source="{Binding imageSource}" 
        IsVisible="{Binding Source={Binding MyPage}, Path=ScrollEvent.Visibility}">



MyPage.xaml.cs (related part)

namespace Project.XAML
    public partial class MyPage : ContentPage
       public MyPage(){
       public IsScrolling ScrollEvent = new IsScrolling() { ShowImage = true };


public class IsScrolling : INotifyPropertyChanged
      private bool _ShowImage { get; set; }
      public bool ShowImage
          get { return _ShowImage; }
              _ShowImage = value;

      public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
      void NotifyPropertyChange(string PropName)
          if (PropertyChanged != null)
              PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(PropName));

//default value
public IsScrolling ScrollEvent = new IsScrolling() { ShowImage = true };


  • the syntax should be something like this

    <ContentPage ... x:Name="page">
        Source="{Binding imageSource}" 
        IsVisible="{Binding Source={x:Reference page},Path=ScrollEvent.Visibility}"

    you can only bind to public properties

    this is public, but it is not a property

    public IsScrolling ScrollEvent = new IsScrolling() { ShowImage = true };

    it needs get and/or set to be a property, like this

    public IsScrolling ScrollEvent { get; set; } = new IsScrolling() { ShowImage = true };