THe following dataframe df_shots_on_the_pitch
ShotSide Close Position PositionXY
447 the centre close the boxthe centre {'y': 34, 'x': 5}
801 N/A close outside the boxN/A {'y': 32, 'x': 24}
1353 N/A close very close rangeN/A {'y': 39, 'x': 3}
3220 N/A close very close rangeN/A {'y': 39, 'x': 3}
4680 the centre close the boxthe centre {'y': 34, 'x': 5}
4682 N/A close very close rangeN/A {'y': 39, 'x': 3}
5463 the centre close the boxthe centre {'y': 34, 'x': 5}
5905 the centre close the boxthe centre {'y': 34, 'x': 5}
is feeding bokeh
like so:
def plot_goals(df_shots_on_the_pitch):
#Getting events data positions
df_player_events = df_shots_on_the_pitch[df_shots_on_the_pitch['ShotOutcome']=='Goal']
#Pitch with events
pitch_player = plot_events(df_player_events, 'Goals', 'red') # <---- HERE
grid = bokeh.layouts.grid(
return bokeh.models.Panel(child=grid, title="Goals")
and so:
def plot_events(df_player_events, event_name, plot_color):
player_event_x = [(player_event.get('x')*104)/100. for player_event in df_player_events['PositionXY']]
player_event_y = [(player_event.get('y')*68)/100. for player_event in df_player_events['PositionXY']]
##### -----> player_x and player_y plot 8 elements here
p = draw_pitch(figure_width=450, figure_height=295, pitch_width=104, pitch_height=68, line_color="grey", pitch_color="white"), player_event_y, fill_color=plot_color, line_width=1, line_color="grey", fill_alpha=0.2, size=8)
player_stats = bokeh.models.Label(x=70, y=190, x_units='screen', y_units='screen',
text=str(len(player_event_x)) + " " + event_name, text_font_size= '20px', render_mode='css',
background_fill_color=plot_color, background_fill_alpha=0.3)
return p
finally, this function draws the pitch:
def draw_pitch(figure_width=700, figure_height=350,
pitch_width=104, pitch_height=68,
pitch_color = "#B3DE69", line_color="grey"):
p = figure(width=figure_width, height=figure_height, toolbar_location="below")
#Empty pitch
p.rect(x=pitch_width/2., y=pitch_height/2.,
width=pitch_width, height=pitch_height,
fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
#Penalty Area Left, pitch_height/2., size=50,
fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
##Big rectangle
p.rect(x=16.5/2., y=pitch_height/2.,
width=16.5, height=40.3,
fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
##Small rectangle
p.rect(x=5.5/2., y=pitch_height/2.,
width=5.5, height=18.3,
fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
##Goal post
p.rect(x=0, y=pitch_height/2.,
width=0.5, height=7.3,
fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
##Penalty spot, pitch_height/2., size=2,
fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
#Penalty Area right, pitch_height/2., size=50,
fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
p.rect(x=pitch_width-(16.5/2.), y=pitch_height/2., width=16.5, height=40.3,
fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
##Small rectangle
p.rect(x=pitch_width-(5.5/2.), y=pitch_height/2.,
width=5.5, height=18.3,
fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
##Goal post
p.rect(x=pitch_width, y=pitch_height/2.,
width=0.5, height=7.3,
fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
##Penalty spot, pitch_height/2., size=2,
fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
#middle of pitch, y=pitch_height/2., size=100, fill_color=pitch_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color), y=pitch_height/2., size=2, fill_color=line_color, line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
p.line([pitch_width/2., pitch_width/2.], [0, pitch_height], line_width=2, line_color=line_color)
return p
everything put together, plots the following:
But it always plot 3 goals, when it should plot, as shown by dataframe, 8 goals.
What am I missing here?
All of the points are getting plotted. Some of them have exactly the same coordinates, so they are plotted directly on top of one another. This can be seen in the data, but also the deeper shade of red in the "two" points near the goal—that is actually the alpha transparency "stacking up".