Hello I want to forward port A of my host to port B of another host, in Linux I always use:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport A -j DNAT --to-destination dest:B
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d dest -p tcp -m tcp --dport B -j SNAT --to-source myhost
And FPipe on Windows did the trick too:
FPipe.exe -l A -r B dest -v -c 2048
But the FPipe application will reset the connection if connection speed > 32KB/s, and I have no way to bypass this.
So could anyone help me with this - tell me how to use fpipe correctly or recommend another freeware to do this thing?
Many thanks.
You could also use PJS Passport - don't know whether it is configurable from the command line, though.