I have this large xts, aggregated monthly with apply.monthly function.
2011-07-31 269.8
2011-08-31 251.0
2011-09-30 201.8
2011-10-31 95.8
2011-11-30 NA
2011-12-31 49.3
2012-01-31 77.1
What I want is to calculate the average of Jan-Dec months for all the period. Something like this, but in xts form:
01 541.8
02 23.0
03 34.8
04 12.8
05 21.8
06 44.8
07 22.8
08 55.0
09 287.8
10 15.8
11 113
12 419.3
I want to avoid using dplyr functions like group_by. I think there must be a solution using split and lapply / do.call
I tried spliting the xts in years
xtsobject <- split(xtsobject, f = "years")
and then I dont know how to use properly the lapply function in order to calculate the 12 averages (Jan-Dec) of all the period. This question Group by period.apply() in xts is similar, but in my xts I dont have/want a new column, I think it can be done using the xts index.
Assuming the input data x
, shown reproducibly in the Note at the end, useaggregate.zoo
like this:
ag <- aggregate(x, cycle(as.yearmon(time(x))), mean, na.rm = TRUE)
giving the following zoo series:
1 77.1
7 269.8
8 251.0
9 201.8
10 95.8
11 NaN
12 49.3
We could plot it like this:
plot(ag, type = "h")
Lines <- "2011-07-31 269.8
2011-08-31 251.0
2011-09-30 201.8
2011-10-31 95.8
2011-11-30 NA
2011-12-31 49.3
2012-01-31 77.1"
z <- read.zoo(text = Lines)
x <- as.xts(z)