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How to get weights for PCA

I am trying to find weights of PCA using skit-learn. However, none of the methods are working.


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
url = ""
# load dataset into Pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv(url, names=['sepal length','sepal width','petal length','petal width','target'])

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
features = ['sepal length', 'sepal width', 'petal length', 'petal width']
# Separating out the features
x = df.loc[:, features].values
# Standardizing the features
x = StandardScaler().fit_transform(x)
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA(n_components=1)
principalComponents = pca.fit_transform(x)

Finding weights

Method 1

weights = pca.components_*np.sqrt(pca.explained_variance_)
# recovering original data
pca_recovered =, x)
### This output is not matching with PCA

Method 2

# Standardising the weights then recovering
weights1 = weights/np.sum(weights)
pca_recovered =, x)
### This output is not matching with PCA

Please help if I am doing anything wrong here. Or, something is missing in the package.


  • Instead of

    weights = pca.components_*np.sqrt(pca.explained_variance_)

    If I use simply

    weights = pca.components_

    May be first time while I was trying, there was calculation error.