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map RxMoya Single Response to RxSwift Observable Result

I am trying to map a Single<Response> to a an Observable<Result<CustomObject, MoyaError>> however I am unsure about how to do it.

My current function is as follows:

    func accountInfo() -> Observable<AccountInfo> {
        return provider

However, I would like something as follows:

    func accountInfo() -> Observable<Result<AccountInfo, MoyaError>> {
        return provider

Any help creating a mapResult extension would be great.

Thank you


  • Something like this:

    extension Single {
        var asObservableResult: Observable<Result<Element, Error>> {
            return asObservable()
                .map { .success($0) }
                .catchError { .just(.failure($0)) }

    Although it might make more sense to map it to a Driver rather than an Observable... Otherwise, you have two possible errors...

    extension Single {
        var asDriverResult: Driver<Result<Element, Error>> {
            return asObservable()
                .map { .success($0) }
                .asDriver(onErrorRecover: { .just(.failure($0)) })