I have a model that looks like:
public struct Profile {
public let bio: String?
public let company: String
public let createdDate: Date
public let department: String
public let email: String
public let firstName: String
public let coverImageURL: URL?
public let jobTitle: String
public let lastName: String
public let location: String?
public let name: String
public let profileImageURL: URL?
public let roles: [String]
public let isActive: Bool
public let updatedDate: Date?
public let userID: String
public init(
bio: String?, company: String, createdDate: Date, department: String, email: String, firstName: String, coverImageURL: URL?, jobTitle: String,
lastName: String, location: String?, name: String, profileImageURL: URL?, roles: [String], isActive: Bool, updatedDate: Date?, userID: String) {
self.bio = bio
self.company = company
self.createdDate = createdDate
self.department = department
self.email = email
self.firstName = firstName
self.coverImageURL = coverImageURL
self.jobTitle = jobTitle
self.lastName = lastName
self.location = location
self.name = name
self.profileImageURL = profileImageURL
self.roles = roles
self.isActive = isActive
self.updatedDate = updatedDate
self.userID = userID
extension Profile: Equatable { }
I am trying to create a tuple that represents it as (model: Profile, json: [String: Any])
using the following method -
func makeProfile() -> (model: Profile, json: [String: Any]) {
let updatedDate = Date()
let updatedDateStr = updatedDate.toString(dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXXXX")
let createdDate = Date()
let createdDateStr = createdDate.toString(dateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXXXX")
let coverImageURL = makeURL("https://headerUri.com")
let profileImageURL = makeURL("https://pictureUri.com")
let model = Profile(
bio: "Some Bio",
company: "Cool Job INC",
createdDate: createdDate,
department: "Engineering",
email: "name@domain.tld",
firstName: "Anne",
coverImageURL: coverImageURL,
jobTitle: "Test Dummy",
lastName: "Employee",
location: "London",
name: "Anne Employee",
profileImageURL: profileImageURL,
roles: ["ADMIN"],
isActive: true,
updatedDate: updatedDate,
userID: UUID().uuidString
let json: [String: Any] = [
"bio": model.bio,
"company": model.company,
"createdDate": createdDateStr,
"department": model.department,
"email": model.email,
"firstName": model.firstName,
"headerUri": model.coverImageURL?.absoluteString,
"jobTitle": model.jobTitle,
"lastName": model.lastName,
"location": model.location,
"name": model.name,
"pictureUri": model.profileImageURL?.absoluteString,
"roles": model.roles,
"isActive": model.isActive,
"updatedDate": updatedDateStr,
"userId": model.userID
].compactMapValues { $0 }
return (model: model, json: json)
extension Date {
func toString(dateFormat format: String) -> String {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
return dateFormatter.string(from: self)
All of the optional properties are showing a warning Expression implicitly coerced from 'String?' to 'Any'
I have added .compactMapValues { $0 }
to the dict but has had no effect.
How can I clear this warning?
You're getting an error because you trying to implicitly coerce an optional value (which could be nil) to Any
, which hides that the value could be nil.
doesn't guarantee at compile-time that the value is not nil; all the compiler knows is that something that is an optional (like String?
) is now treated as a non-optional Any
One way you could avoid the error is by providing a default value instead of the optional:
let json: [String: Any] = [
"bio": model.bio ?? ""
// ...
Alternatively, you can create a dictionary of: [String, Any?]
to assign values to, and then use .compactMapValues
, which would give you back non-optional values of Any
let withOptionals: [String: Any?] = [
"bio": model.bio,
// ...
let json: [String, Any] = withOptionals.compactMapValues { $0 }