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Business logic and deserialization

I am developing a software in ASP.NET Core, and I am following the service and repository patterns. I have a use case which consists on creating a production order. For that the user is providing some parameters (quantity, product, etc.), one of these parameters is a path to a file in another software system (for which i have a repository as well)

The logic to create the order is basically accessing to the file (which is a XML), deserialize it in an non-persitent object and create a register in my database (table Order). The data of this order is partially filled with the XML data.

I don't have clear about in which layer this logic should be, since here I need to deserialize the XML into an object, and then process it to create the Order. Is this process part of the Business Logic, Service Logic, or Repository logic?

A link which is explaining properly the differences between the types of logic is wellcome.


  • Bussiness Logic :)

    I split my app up so all business logic lives in a class that is injected in my controller and the data repository gets injected into that. I leave the controller to only handle the HTTP bits and leave the logic in this other class so that it's easier to write tests for it. For Ex:

    Project: Api + Web Models.
    Versioned Controllers.
    Web Only Helpers.

    Project: Services.

    Business Layer.

    Project: Data Layer Repositories

    Database + Cache

    Project: Non Web Models / Domain ORM Models

    Project: Utilities

    Extra methods/common helpers.
    Miscellaneous features such as serializers/compressors.

    Project: Optional Tests.


    read about this here: