I need to use variables called 'apple' 'banana' and 'orange' in Tkinter.
In my real script, they're called differently and I have a lot more, which would make it a lot of work to manually type:
apple.delete(0, END)
banana.delete(0, END)
I wanted to use a list
lst = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
so that I could use:
for i in lst:
i.delete(0, END)
But this gives me the error:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'delete'
How could I use those list items as variables in an operation?
You can save the widgets to a list. They are python objects, so you can use them like any other object.
apple = tk.Text(...)
banana = tk.Text(...)
orange = tk.Text(...)
lst = [apple, banana, orange, ...]
for widget in lst:
widget.delete(0, "end")