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C# Cast a type to a different type with same declaration

So let's say I have a type X which is an abstract class, like so public abstract class X. Now let's say i have a type A which derives from type Y, like this public class A : Y. Both X and Y have the same definition:

public abstract class X
    public string Name { get; internal set; }

    public virtual void PrintName()

public abstract class Y
    public string Name { get; internal set; }

    public virtual void PrintName()

I can't change anything inside X (Add interface, ...). Also I can not derive from X because a program would automatically load it. The classes X and Y are bigger with fields, properties and a load of methods, but I kept it as minimal, as possible. Is it possible to convert A into X ? Something like

X obj = (X)(new A())

I have already tried: Json De/Seriliazation, using dynamic X cls = (X)(new A() as dynamic);. I probably could use a TypeBuilder, but I don't have any experience using TypeBuilder.


  • I think you could solve this problem by using AutoMapper:

    After adding the AutoMapper nuget package to your project, add the following class:

    public class XYBAProfile : AutoMapper.Profile
        public XYBAProfile()
            CreateMap<Y, X>()
                .Include<A, B>();
            CreateMap<A, B>();

    Now you should be able to create the X object from any A object:

     public static void Test()
        var mapperConfig = new AutoMapper.MapperConfiguration(conf => conf.AddProfile<XYBAProfile>());
        var mapper = mapperConfig.CreateMapper();
        var a = new A() { Name = "Something" };
        X x = mapper.Map<X>(a);