Recently I use AppKit to write a program which aims to automatically click inside an application window. When I want to activate the window first, I go through the NSRunningApplication documentation, and found a function called "activateWithOptions", and I wrote a simple program like the following.
Apps = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().runningApplications()
for app in Apps:
Here are my questions.
If you run the program, it just throws an error in the following. But if you changed it to app.activateWithOptions_(NSApplicationActivateAllWindows), the code can be passed. Why is the documentation inconsistent with my usage?
AttributeError: 'NSRunningApplication' object has no attribute 'activateWithOptions'
It's not a variable, it's a property declared as:
@property(readonly, copy) NSString *localizedName;
It's synthesized into the _localizedName
instance variable and this function:
- (NSString *)localizedName {
return _localizedName;
PyObjC documentation - Underscores, and lots of them:
An Objective-C message looks like this:
[someObject doSomething:arg1 withSomethingElse:arg2];
The selector (message name) for the above snippet is this (note the colons):
In order to have a lossless and unambiguous translation between Objective-C messages and Python methods, the Python method name equivalent is simply the selector with colons replaced by underscores. Since each colon in an Objective-C selector is a placeholder for an argument, the number of underscores in the PyObjC-ified method name is the number of arguments that should be given.
The PyObjC translation of the above selector is (note the underscores):
-> activateWithOptions_