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how to find out whole function of a class in java script

I'm sending a class to my site using android web view just like this: webView.addJavascriptInterface(data, "info")I wanted to know is there any way that I find out what functions and what variables are there in info class on the web side? for example, if my data class be like this:

class Data(){
     val name = ""
     val family = ""
     fun getName():String = name
     fun getFamily():String = family

what javascript code I should use to understand the info class has two variables name and family? currently, my web side is just like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>



and using that I can access to name variable which is passed by android side, how can I understand also there is a getFamily function too?


  • you can use a built-in method of javascript you can get the whole method of an object object.keys(name_of_object).

    for example, in your case, it would be like this


    and It will print getName() and getFamily()