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Is there a way to add extra data when purchasing using Inapp purchases

Here is a scenerio , We have multiple teachers on our app . User can purchase 3 different items from teacher which costs $20, $30, $40 . So I created 3 products in google play console . When user purchases some item how can I know from which teacher he purchased the item from ? I don't see any way to set extra data when purchasing the item . How people generally handles these cases ?

This is the method I use to launch payment screen

 fun buyAnItem(activity:Activity,skuDetails: SkuDetails) {
    val flowParams = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder()
    val responseCode =
        billingClient.launchBillingFlow(activity, flowParams)

I don't see any way to set extra data in SkuDetails or BillingFlowParams.newBuilder()

How ever I saw we can set these 2 parameters we can set for BillingFlowParams.newBuilder() .setObfuscatedAccountId() and .setObfuscatedProfileId() , should I be using these ? It looks like a hack to me .

I want to get back the extra params in Purchase object

 override fun onPurchasesUpdated(
    billingResult: BillingResult?,
    purchases: MutableList<Purchase>?
) {
        for (purchase in purchases) {


  • Seems like using setObfuscatedProfileId and setObfuscatedAccountId is the right way. Set some unique values for different users . maximum of 64 charecters is allowed per each property .

    val flowParams = BillingFlowParams.newBuilder()
            .setObfuscatedProfileId(profileId)  //Some data you want to send
            .setObfuscatedAccountId(id)  //Some data you want to send
        val responseCode =
            billingClient?.launchBillingFlow(activity, flowParams)

    Retrieving :- you can retrieve the data by using purchase.accountIdentifiers?.obfuscatedAccountId and purchase.accountIdentifiers?.obfuscatedProfileId

    override fun onPurchasesUpdated(
        billingResult: BillingResult?,
        purchases: MutableList<Purchase>?
    ) {
        if (billingResult?.responseCode == BillingClient.BillingResponseCode.OK && purchases != null) {
            for (purchase in purchases) {
                CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main).launch {

    Official documentation :-