I have a p-dropdown
component on my App. Its' configured like this:
dropdownIcon="fa fa-angle-down"
placeholder="Select a Primary Target"
I need to show the description for each target on Hover
I read the PrimeNg
documentation and says that the tooltip
configuration does that. The problem is that I'm not seing anything:
What I need to see is something like this:
With the black tooltip
on hover.
I already tried to hardcode some text on the tooltip
and still doesn't show anything.
What I'm missing here?
You could user PrimeNG Tooltip along with template for the drop down (see Custom Content here)
dropdownIcon="fa fa-angle-down"
placeholder="Select a Primary Target">
<ng-template let-item pTemplate="selectedItem">
<span style="vertical-align:middle">{{item.label}}</span>
<ng-template let-target pTemplate="item">
<div class="ui-helper-clearfix" style="position: relative;height:25px;" pTooltip="{{getTargetDescription(target)}}" tooltipPosition="top">
<span style="font-size:14px;float:right;margin-top:4px">{{target.label}}</span>