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What is the best way to import technical analysis of stock prices?

Here is my data frame:

enter image description here

Each row has different dates. If I want to import RSI for the stock prices, what is the best way to do this?

The raw data of the data frame is:

mdate   edate   tickers adjusted1   adjusted2   adjusted3   close1  close2  close3  high1   high2   high3   low1    low2    low3    open1   open2   open3   volume1 volume2 volume3
2015-10-30  2015-11-04  TK  29.12   29.08   29.59   32.13   32.09   32.65   32.38   32.43   32.95   31.1    31.52   32.1    31.62   31.81   32.18   487000  715900  846100
2015-11-02  2015-11-05  TGP 20.42   20.57   21.08   24.84   25.02   25.64   25.09   25.31   25.81   24.14   24.4    24.9    25.09   24.8    25.05   208500  120800  270900
2015-11-03  2015-11-06  DNR 3.54    3.7 3.91    3.54    3.7 3.91    3.6 3.8 4.07    3.25    3.46    3.76    3.42    3.5 3.8 10959500    10429800    13534400


  • It was too long for comment, so here is an example of possible import/analysis

    names = c("AAPL","AMZN","ANF") ## amazon, aaple, abb & Fitc -- tickers
    my_portfolio = names
    stocks <- lapply(my_portfolio,function(x){
          w = getSymbols(x,auto.assign = F,warnings = F)
          message(x," Collected!")
        error= function(cond)return(data.frame())
    names(stocks) <- my_portfolio
    ### analysis
    stock = stocks$AAPL
    # AAPL.Open AAPL.High AAPL.Low AAPL.Close AAPL.Volume AAPL.Adjusted
    # 2007-01-03  12.32714  12.36857 11.70000   11.97143   309579900      10.36364
    # 2007-01-04  12.00714  12.27857 11.97429   12.23714   211815100      10.59366
    # 2007-01-05  12.25286  12.31428 12.05714   12.15000   208685400      10.51822
    # 2007-01-08  12.28000  12.36143 12.18286   12.21000   199276700      10.57016
    # 2007-01-09  12.35000  13.28286 12.16429   13.22429   837324600      11.44823
    # 2007-01-10  13.53571  13.97143 13.35000   13.85714   738220000      11.99609
    rsi_ind = RSI(price = stock$AAPL.Close)
    macd_ind = MACD(x = stock$AAPL.Close)
    ## so on