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Can I get the public IP of a Virtual Machine Scale Set using Azure REST API?

I have a AKS cluster and I want to get the public IP of the virtual machine scale set associated with the cluster's agentpool. I found this documentation page and tried the following API call:

GET{your sub ID}/resourceGroups/{RG name}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/{scale set name}/publicipaddresses?api-version=2017-03-30

but i get this response: {"value":[]}


  • For your issue, you need to take care of the message that how does the VMSS create:

    To create a scale set that assigns a public IP address to each virtual machine with the CLI, add the --public-ip-per-vm parameter to the vmss create command.

    Only in this way you can get the public IP addresses via the REST API:

    GET{your sub ID}/resourceGroups/{RG name}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/{scale set name}/publicipaddresses?api-version=2017-03-30

    But when you create the AKS cluster and enable the VMSS as the agent pool, the VMSS always behind in a Load Balancer so that it's publicIpAddressConfiguration property is null and give your response as empty.