I created a library which will be turned into a nuget that will run on the target assemblies. Let's call it NugLib.
What I want is to add2,3 lines to the target assembly after it installed the NugLib. NugLib (the library) had a .targets file which copied some files into the target assembly.
I want to be able to add some lines to the project (the .csproj file) Not sure if it can be done via the .targets .props .nuspec or the lib's csproj during/after the installing nuget automatically.
Want to add these 3 lines to the target assembly (the nuget consumer):
<Content Include=".pack\*.*;.pack\**;.pack\**\*" />
<Import Project="build\build.targets" />
<Import Project=".pack\package.csproj" Condition="Exists('.pack\package.csproj')" />
How to add some lines to the project's csproj file after installing a nuget
Since you use a net standard 2.1 class library, you can use an easier way.
You can follow these steps:
1) create such project structure:
Note: you cannot use import="xxxx.csproj"
, it is illegal and one main csproj file cannot import another csproj file of the same level. Instead, you should change to use package.targets
rather than packages.csproj
2) you should create a file named <package_id>.targets
in the build folder so that it can import such node in your main project.csproj
when you install such nuget package.
In NugLib.targets
<Import Project="..\contentFiles\any\any\build\build.targets" />
<Import Project="..\contentFiles\any\any\package.targets" Condition="Exists('..\contentFiles\any\any\package.targets')" />
3) upload NugLib project and then add these in NugLib.csproj
<Content Update=".pack\**" Pack="true" IncludeInPackage="true" PackagePath="content\any\any\;contentFiles\any\any\;;">
<Content Update="build\build.targets" Pack="true" IncludeInPackage="true" PackagePath="content\any\any\;contentFiles\any\any\;;">
<None Update="build\NugLib.targets" Pack="true" PackagePath="build\NugLib.targets" />
4) Right-click on your project and select Pack, then the new NugLib nuget package will exist under bin\Debug\xxx.nupkg
Besides, if you want to rename the package, you can refer to this document.
These files will automatically add in your main project. In net framework project, like this:
In net core project, it is under obj\ConsoleApp1.csproj.nuget.g.targets
To add project's ID/Title, you can set these properties in NugLib.csproj
file directly: