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Depend on local C# project

I have two C# projects in the same directory.

├── MyLib
│   ├── MyLib.cs
│   ├── MyLib.csproj
│   └── bin
│       └── Debug
│           └── netstandard2.0
│               ├── MyLib.deps.json
│               ├── MyLib.dll
│               └── MyLib.pdb
└── MyApp
    ├── Program.cs
    ├── MyApp.csproj
    └── bin
        └── Debug
            └── netcoreapp2.2
                ├── MyApp.deps.json
                ├── MyApp.dll
                ├── MyApp.pdb
                └── MyApp.runtimeconfig.json

I would like MyApp to be able to access the classes etc. defined in MyLib.

How do I do that?

I have tried from MyApp

dotnet add package ../MyLib/MyLib.csproj
dotnet add package MyLib --source ../MyLib/bin/Debug

after dotnet pack from MyLib.

None work because the package cannot be found in the source

What's the easiest way for me to simply depend on my local project?


  • Nearly there. Projects are added by reference --

    Try dotnet add reference ../MyLib/MyLib.csproj