I am writing databriks scala / python notebook which connect SQL server database. and i want to execute sql server function from notebook with custom paramters.
import com.microsoft.azure.sqldb.spark.config.Config
import com.microsoft.azure.sqldb.spark.connect._
val ID = "1"
val name = "A"
val config = Config(Map(
"url" -> "sample-p-vm.all.test.azure.com",
"databaseName" -> "DBsample",
"dbTable" -> "dbo.FN_cal_udf",
"user" -> "useer567",
"password" -> "pppp@345%",
"connectTimeout" -> "5", //seconds
"queryTimeout" -> "5" //seconds
val collection = sqlContext.read.sqlDB(config)
here function is FN_cal_udf which stored in sql server database -'DBsample'
I got error : jdbc.SQLServerException: Parameters were not supplied for the function
How i can pass parameter and call SQL function inside notebook in scala or pyspark.
Here you can first make query string which stores function calling statement with dynamic parameters. and then use in congig.
import com.microsoft.azure.sqldb.spark.config.Config
import com.microsoft.azure.sqldb.spark.connect._
val ID = "1"
val name = "A"
val query = " [dbo].[FN_cal_udf]('"+ID+"','"+name+"')"
val config = Config(Map(
"url" -> "sample-p-vm.all.test.azure.com",
"databaseName" -> "DBsample",
"dbTable" -> "dbo.FN_cal_udf",
"user" -> "useer567",
"password" -> "pppp@345%",
"connectTimeout" -> "5", //seconds
"queryTimeout" -> "5" //seconds
val collection = sqlContext.read.sqlDB(config)