Inside a function which IS getting called through Qt's QWebView:
document.write ("11");
The above statement doesn't show anything on the console!
I want it to get displayed on the "console". I am running the qt executable as "./showmap" and then a widget gets displayed on which the map is shown. On a button click, a function gets called and in that function I have written document.write("11"); which doesn't seem to be doing anything normal.
That's what document.write does. It writes to the document.
To write to the OS's standard output or standard error, subclass QWebPage and override javascriptConsoleMessage.
Here is an example:
Once you've overridden javascriptConsoleMessage to write to the operating system's stdout/stderr (with qDebug), calls to console.log will write to stdout/stderr as well.
As an alternative, overriding javascriptAlert() and then calling alert() in your Javascript should do the same thing.