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How to print a variable to Linux console using Javascript and QWebview

Inside a function which IS getting called through Qt's QWebView:

document.write ("11");

The above statement doesn't show anything on the console!

I want it to get displayed on the "console". I am running the qt executable as "./showmap" and then a widget gets displayed on which the map is shown. On a button click, a function gets called and in that function I have written document.write("11"); which doesn't seem to be doing anything normal.


  • That's what document.write does. It writes to the document.

    To write to the OS's standard output or standard error, subclass QWebPage and override javascriptConsoleMessage.

    Here is an example:

    Once you've overridden javascriptConsoleMessage to write to the operating system's stdout/stderr (with qDebug), calls to console.log will write to stdout/stderr as well.

    As an alternative, overriding javascriptAlert() and then calling alert() in your Javascript should do the same thing.