I am currently only able to deal with one .zip archive at a time even if I set "multiple=T":
ui.R {
...fileInput("zippers", "upload .zip files",multiple=T,accept = ".zip"),
I can retrieve the names of the files I'm interested in (found in another topic) for a single instance as well:
zipped_csv_names <- grep('\\.csv$', unzip(input$zippers$datapath, list=TRUE)$Name, ignore.case=TRUE, value=TRUE)
if I try two or more files I get the "Error: invalid zip name argument"
This returns a list of data.frames with the path to the zip file and the names of the csv files inside.
server <- function(input, output) {
v <- reactiveValues(zipped_csv_names = NULL)
observeEvent(input$zippers, {
csv_names <- lapply(input$zippers$datapath, function(x){
z <- unzip(x, list = T)
csvFile <- grep("*.csv", z$Name, value = T)
if (length(csvFile) > 0)
return(data.frame(fPath = rep(x, n = length(csvFile)), fName = csvFile))
v$zipped_csv_names <- csv_names[!sapply(csv_names, is.null)]