I have a dataframe like this;
ID code
333_c_132 x
333_c_132 n06
333_c_132 n36
333_c_132 n60
333_c_132 n72
333_c_132 n84
333_c_132 n96
333_c_132 n108
333_c_132 n120
999_c_133 x
999_c_133 n06
999_c_133 n12
999_c_133 n24
998_c_134 x
998_c_134 n06
998_c_134 n12
998_c_134 n18
998_c_134 n36
997_c_135 x
997_c_135 n06
997_c_135 n12
997_c_135 n24
997_c_135 n36
996_c_136 x
996_c_136 n06
996_c_136 n12
996_c_136 n18
996_c_136 n24
996_c_136 n36
995_c_137 x
I have to choose one
random row in between two x
in the code
column. ie.
for example, a possible combination is;
333_c_132 n06
999_c_133 n12
998_c_134 n18
997_c_135 n36
996_c_136 n18
How can I achieve this in pandas?
We can use cumsum
create the subkey for groupby
and use sample
s=df[df.code.ne('x')].groupby(df.code.eq('x').cumsum()).apply(lambda x : x.sample(1))
s=s.reset_index(level=0, drop=True)
ID code
1 333_c_132 n06
12 999_c_133 n24
17 998_c_134 n36
20 997_c_135 n12
27 996_c_136 n24