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How to use quasiquotes with previously defined object

I just started studying scala compile-time reflection, and I got introduced to quasiquotes by the Scala official guides.

One concept I'm still struggling with is how am I supposed to work with quasiquotes (or reify, for that matter) if I want to generate the AST for an already defined object. Suppose I have an Object:

object MyObject {
  def method1() = "m1"

In order to get a tree, I know I can do

q"""{object MyObject {
  def method1() = "m1"

Doing this, however, prevents me from having the object actually defined in my scope (and I also need to define it entirely inside a String, throwing all code safety out of the window).

What I'd like to do to get that tree is something like this:

object MyObject {
  def method1() = "m1"

q"$MyObject" // or q"{MyObject}", I still don't fully understand the table on the Scala guide

I want to define the object, and, afterwards, use that definition to perform some checks over it (and throw some exception in compile-time, if need be), using a macro. To use a macro, I'll need to tree (or, at least, the expression), as far as I understood.

I already know how to do the checks I want using Scala reflection in run-time, but I thought using ASTs could be a good idea (and, on the process, I would learn something). I'm getting the feeling that I'm misunderstanding some basic concept on how to use ASTs, though - it seems like one can generate ASTs based on code declared on the call site only. I'm confused.

What am I misunderstanding here?


  • A quasiquote

    q"""{object MyObject {
      def method1() = "m1"


      object MyObject {
        def method1() = "m1"

    are just ways to write a tree

        ModuleDef(Modifiers(), TermName("MyObject"), 
            List(Select(Ident(scala), TypeName("AnyRef"))), 
              DefDef(Modifiers(), termNames.CONSTRUCTOR, List(), List(List()), TypeTree(), 
                Block(List(pendingSuperCall), Literal(Constant(())))
              DefDef(Modifiers(), TermName("method1"), List(), List(List()), TypeTree(), 

    The same can be obtained with context.parse (compile-time) / toolBox.parse (runtime) from ordinary String

    val str: String = 
      """object MyObject {
        |  def method1() = "m1"

    There is compile time of macros and runtime of macros. There is compile time of main code and its runtime. Runtime of macros is compile time of main code.

    MyObject in

    object MyObject {
      def method1() = "m1"

    and MyObject in

    q"""{object MyObject {
      def method1() = "m1"

    exist in different contexts. The former exists in the current context, the latter exists in the context of macro's call site.

    You can insert (splice) a tree into a tree. You can not insert actual object into a tree. If you have actual object (compiled tree) it's too late to insert it into a tree.

    When you see something being inserted into a tree, this means that "something" is just a compact way to write a tree i.e. an instance of type class Liftable

    object MyObject {
      def method1() = "m1"
    implicit val myObjectLiftable: Liftable[MyObject.type] = new Liftable[MyObject.type] {
      override def apply(value: MyObject.type): Tree =
          object MyObject {
            def method1() = "m1"
       class SomeClass {

    I guess your macro can look like

    def foo[A](a: A) = macro impl[A]


    def foo[A] = macro impl[A]

    so you can call it like foo(MyObject) or foo[MyObject.type] and inside

    def impl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: blackbox.Context)...

    you have access to weakTypeOf[A], then its symbol. Having symbol you can have signatures of methods etc.

    Actually, in some sense there is a way to "insert" an object into a quasiquote. This is serialization/deserialization objects between stages

    import scala.language.experimental.macros
    import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox
    import scala.util.Using
    import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo
    object MyObject {
      def method1() = "m1"
    def myMacro(): String = macro myMacroImpl
    def myMacroImpl(c: blackbox.Context)(): c.Tree = {
      import c.universe._
      val kryo = new Kryo
      Using(new Output(new FileOutputStream("file"))) { output =>
        kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, MyObject)
      val kryoPrefix = q""
        val kryo = new $kryoPrefix.Kryo
        _root_.scala.util.Using(new $"file"))) { input =>

    sbt clean compile run prints m1 (file file must exist, this doesn't work in IntelliJ).

    scalaVersion := "2.13.10"
    libraryDependencies += "com.esotericsoftware" % "kryo" % "5.3.0"
    //libraryDependencies += "com.esotericsoftware.kryo" % "kryo5" % "5.3.0"

    Similarly you can use @tribbloid's code in splain

    case class MyClass(i: Int, s: String)
    import scala.language.experimental.macros
    import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
    import splain.test.AutoLift.SerializingLift
    def myMacro(): Any = macro Macros.myMacroImpl
    class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) extends SerializingLift.Mixin {
      import c.universe._
      def myMacroImpl(): c.Tree = {
          ${MyClass(1, "a")}
    val res = Macro.myMacro() //scalac: splain.test.AutoLift.SerializingLift.fromPreviousStage[mypackage.MyClass]("rO0ABXNyAA5hcHAxODEuTXlDbGFzczOlcqPGO50dAgACSQABaUwAAXN0ABJMamF2YS9sYW5nL1N0cmluZzt4cAAAAAF0AAFh")
    res: MyClass // since the macro is whitebox, it can return more precise type than declared (Any)
    println(res) //MyClass(1,a)
    scalaVersion := "2.13.10"
    libraryDependencies += "io.tryp" % "splain" % "1.0.1" cross CrossVersion.full

    Unfortunately this doesn't work with (case) objects because of a bug.

    In multi-stage compilation, should we use a standard serialisation method to ship objects through stages?

    One more technique to define a macro if a value is from the next stage (and avoid cross-stage evaluation) is to construct a tree of function and then apply this function after macro expansion

    import scala.language.experimental.macros
    import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
    case class MyClass(i: Int, s: String)
    def myMacro(): Any = macro myMacroImpl
    def myMacroImpl(c: whitebox.Context)(): c.Tree = {
      import c.universe._
        def foo[A](a: A): Unit = println("foo: a=" + a)
        foo(_: ${typeOf[MyClass]})
    val f = myMacro()
    //scalac: {
    //  def foo[A](a: A): Unit = println("foo: a=".$plus(a));
    //  ((x$1: MyClass) => foo((x$1: MyClass)))
    f: (MyClass => Unit) // checking the type
    f(MyClass(1, "a"))
    //foo: a=MyClass(1,a)

    Scala 2.13: Case class with extendable variable attributes?

    Invoke a template Scala function with a type stored as wild card classTag?