In a python script, I know I can execute a custom libreoffice macro in the My Macros library container by grabbing a dispatcher and executing:
dispatcher.executeDispatch(frame, "macro:///Standard.Module1.mymacro", "", 0, ())
But how do I call a local document specific macro? I presume there is a replacement term for "macro///" such as perhaps "document///" that would make the call above work but I cannot find any documentation anywhere. What is the correct format for the macro call string?
Get the script provider from the document and use it to invoke the macro.
desktop = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDesktop()
file_url = uno.systemPathToFileUrl("C:/path/to/file.odt")
doc = desktop.loadComponentFromURL(file_url, "_blank", 0, ())
oScriptProvider = doc.getScriptProvider()
oScript = oScriptProvider.getScript(
oScript.invoke((), (), ())
Adapted from Execute LibreOffice Calc Basic macro from python.