I need a function which can get the first index of one of multiple possible chars. I don't want to use regex because of the bad performance. I tried getting the min of two IndexOf(s) but it doesn't work when it is contained in one string and not the other because -1 is smaller than both indexes.
public static int IndexOf (this string s, char a, char b) =>
Math.Min(s.IndexOf(a), s.IndexOf(b));
I suggest a bit more complex, but I hope more convenient solution:
// 1. Let's return not only index, but the char found as well
// 2. Let's accept arbitrary number of characters
// 3. Let's not interfere with existing IndexOf, IndexOfAny methods : IndexOfAnyChar
public static (int index, char value) IndexOfAnyChar(this string s, params char[] toFind) {
//DONE: input parameters validation
if (null == s)
return (-1, default(char)); // or throw ArgumentNullException(nameof(s))
else if (null == toFind || toFind.Length <= 0)
return (-1, default(char)); // or throw ArgumentNullException(nameof(toFind))
int bestIndex = -1;
char bestChar = default(char);
foreach (char c in toFind) {
// for the long strings let's provide count for efficency
int index = s.IndexOf(c, 0, bestIndex < 0 ? s.Length : bestIndex);
if (index >= 0) {
bestIndex = index;
bestChar = c;
return (bestIndex, bestChar);
var result = "abcde".IndexOfAnyChar('e', 'z', 'd');
// to get index only:
// int index = "abcde".IndexOfAnyChar('e', 'z', 'd').index;
(3, d)