The Problem to solve is:
List: [x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2] ...[xn, yn, zn]
Output expected:
[(x1+x2+..+xn)/n, (y1+y2+..yn)/n, (z1+z2+..+z3)/n]
I'm able to perform the addition when I've 2 list only and size is fixed using the below statement:
UNWIND([1,2,3], [4,5,6])) as output
RETURN COLLECT(apoc.coll.avg(output))
Output is
[2.5, 3.5, 4.5]
But wasn't not able to compyte for dynamic number of n list. The size of list is constant for which avg needs to be computed.
Neo4j Desktop Graph version: 3.5.18
APOC LIbrary:
Thanks in advance!
Assuming that you pass the list of "sublists" as a parameter, list
, this may work for you:
REDUCE(s = [], sublist IN $list | CASE
WHEN SIZE(s) = 0 THEN sublist
ELSE [i IN RANGE(0, SIZE(s)-1) | s[i] + sublist[i]]
END) |
w / TOFLOAT(SIZE($list))] AS result
is used to generate a single list with the sums of the corresponding sublist elements.