While using XCUI test framework, i am unable to record/identify the iPhone/iPad search bar for iOS 13 version devices/simulators.This is working fine in iOS 12 version devices.
This is the code i am trying "springBoard.searchFields.firstMatch" but it is not working in iOS 13 devices/simulators.
Anybody faced this issue?
This search field is a part of the Spotlight application. This code works fine on iOS 13 Simulator.
import XCTest
import XCTApps
class spotlight: XCTestCase {
func testSpotlight13() {
let springboard = XCTApps.springboard.app
let spotlight = XCTApps.spotlight.app
spotlight.textFields["SpotlightSearchField"].typeText("Hello, Mrudula")
P.S. grab XCTApps here https://github.com/rzakhar/XCTApps