Search code examples

List the employees (name, base_salary) that earn an average value (with accuracy up to 30%) from the average earnings in teams of >2 employees

Here's what I got so far:

SELECT surname, base_salary from emp p LEFT JOIN (select id_team, avg(base_salary) as s, count(*) as c from emp group by id_team) as o ON(p.id_team = o.id_team)
where p.base_salary between o.s*0.7 and o.s*1.3 and o.c >=2

On Oracle LIVE SQL I'm getting ORA-00905: missing keyword error.

Here's what the table looks like.



  • The problem with your is the use of the as keyword to alias the subquery. Oracle does not support that. Your query should just work of you remove it:

    select ...
    from emp p 
    left join (
        select id_team, avg(base_salary) as s, count(*) as c from emp group by id_team
    ) as o on p.id_team = o.id_team)
    --^-- here  
    where ...

    On the other hand, I think that you query could be phrased more efficiently using window functions:

    select surname, base_salary
    from (
            avg(base_salary) over(partition by id_team) avg_base_salary,
            count(*) over(partition by id_team) no_emps
        from emp 
    ) e
    where no_emps > 2 and base_salary between avg_base_salary * 0.7 and avg_base_salary * 1.3