An exercise on forComprehension, doesn't compile since returns Unit instead of Future[User]
(the task is to read using DAO and create new user using 2 parents)
I'm trying to return Future[User] from onComplete but fails (returns Unit).
def unbornUsingForComp(fatherId: String, motherId: String): Future[User] = {
val fatherUser: Future[Option[User]] =
val motherUser: Future[Option[User]] =
val combinedLastName = for {
r1 <- fatherUser
r2 <- motherUser
} yield (r1, r2)
combinedLastName.onComplete {
case Success(x) => {
(x._1, x._2) match {
case (Some(u1), Some(u2)) => usersDao.create(User("JustRandomId", "JustRandomFirstName", u1.lastName + " - " +u2.lastName))
case _ => throw new Exception("One or more of the parents not Found")
case Failure(_) => {
throw new Exception("Exception raised inside the for comp.")
by design returns Unit
which executes a side-effect and then discards
// Note that the returned value of `f` will be discarded.
def onComplete[U](f: Try[T] => U)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext): Unit
You are likely after something like
.map { x => // do stuff with x }
.recover { case e => // handle exception }