Three parameters come from the front-end:
- stringCategories
- an array of strings. String can consist of several words.Tags
- similar to categories.All parameters are optional.
If several are transmitted, need to implement their bundle through AND
(and the coincidence of the state
, and category
, and tag
). If multiple categories
or tags
are submitted, a match is made for at least one of them.
That is, if a request arrives with the parameters
{"state": "Alaska", "categories": ["category 1", "category 2"]}
answers will be
state = Alaska
, categories = category 1
; state = Alaska, categories = category 2
; state = Alaska, categories = [category 1, category 2]
; state = Alaska, categories = [category 1, category 3]
(has at least one of the requested categories).do not fit
state = Alabama, categories = category 1
state = Alaska, categories = 3
state = Alaska, categories = 1 category
(category name should be 1-in-1 "category 1" != "1 category"
)To elastikserch
I send requests from a python
(3.7). Took a library
Collected three filters through Q
objects (used match
in them).
combined_filter = state_filter & categories_filter & tags_filter
Lists of categories
and tags
are divided into subfilters through OR
query = queries.pop()
for item in queries:
query |= item
Such a request is created for elasticsearch
must=[Match(state='Alaska'), MatchAll()],
should=[Match(categories='category 1'), Match(categories='category 2')]
Why this logic find entries by not exact category
/ tag
from typing import List
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_dsl import Q, Search
from flask import request
from flask.views import MethodView
es = Elasticsearch()
class ArticleSearchAPIView(MethodView):
Search articles using ElasticSearch
def filter_create(queries: List[Q]) -> Q:
Creates Q.OR filter
query = queries.pop()
for item in queries:
query |= item
return query
def get(self) -> dict:
Search article
First request - with empty params
search = Search(using=es, index=ArticleModel.__tablename__)
state_filter = categories_filter = tags_filter = Q()
result = "Articles not found."
data = request.get_json()
categories = data.get("categories")
tags = data.get("tags")
state = data.get("state")
if state:
state_filter = Q("match", state=state)
if categories:
queries = [Q("match", categories=value) for value in categories]
categories_filter = self.filter_create(queries)
if tags:
queries = [Q("match", tags=value) for value in tags]
tags_filter = self.filter_create(queries)
combined_filter = state_filter & categories_filter & tags_filter
found = (
if found:
result = [article["_source"] for article in found]
return {"response": result}
Relationship between Article and Category
and Article and Tag
"articles": {
"mappings": {
"properties": {
"categories": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256
"state": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256
"tags": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256
I decided that using elasticsearch-dsl
is unnecessary here.
Here is what decision I came to.
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from flask import request
from flask.views import MethodView
from .models import AticleModel # ArticleModel.__tablename__ == "articles"
es = Elasticsearch()
class ArticleSearchAPIView(MethodView):
Search articles using ElasticSearch
def get(
) -> Union[
Dict[str, Union[list, List[str]]],
Tuple[Dict[str, str], int],
Dict[str, Union[list, str]],
Search articles
data = request.get_json()
categories = data.get("categories")
tags = data.get("tags")
state = data.get("state")
result = "Articles not found."
query = {"bool": {"must": []}}
if state:
query["bool"]["must"].append({"term": {"state.keyword": state}})
if categories:
{"terms": {"categories.keyword": categories}}
if tags:
query["bool"]["must"].append({"terms": {"tags.keyword": tags}})
found =
index=ArticleModel.__tablename__, body={"query": query},
if found:
result = [article["_source"] for article in found]
return {"response": result}