I'm creating an Amplify Schema for a blog that looks something like this:
type Post @model {
id: ID!
caption: String!
src: String!
I want to add a new field in the Post model to calculate the number of times a Post was liked. It gets this data from a different API.
Is there a way to run a function on a model field only something like this.
type Post @model {
id: ID!
caption: String!
src: String!
likes: String @function("getLikesLambda-${dev}")
How would the getLikesLambda
code look?
I've seen code on the official documentation on implementing resolvers but all of them tie the @function to type query which is not exactly what I'm looking for.
Let me know if you guys have any suggestions or if anything is unclear.
Your resolver can be attached to any field, not only on the Query root
I have implemented something similar
On your graphQL schema:
likes: String @function(name: "getLikesLambda-${env}")
Add a new lambda function calling amplify function add
And then write your code, here is a Python example, but you can use any language supported.
import boto3
def handler(event, context):
print('received event:')
if 'typeName' in event and event['typeName'] == 'Post' and event['fieldName'] == 'likes':
print("Resolve field likes")
# Do your logic to get the likes
likes = getLikes()
return likes
return ''