I am trying to make a macro in Minecraft using pynput, but it seems that pynput does not press the correct buttons on the keyboard. I know this because when I ran (code snippet 1) while setting the controls of Hotbar slot 3 it showed as a weird character instead of a number. (see picture) Is there a way to make pynput press the correct buttons?
# Code snippet 1
import time
from pynput.keyboard import Controller
time.sleep(7) # this is just so I have time to switch to minecraft before it activates
board = Controller()
In place of '2'
I have also tried KeyCode(49)
and gotten the same result. It is properly recognised by the computer, as shown by keycode.info and notepad.
When I replaced '2'
with 'e'
Minecraft recognised it as the same as '2'
, and it even pressed the button, so I am extra confused now.
The easiest way i think is using pydirectinput.
pydirectinput is exactly like pyautogui. Its just that its name changed and that it can work with games using DirectX (minecraft, roblox)
To use it you can just do
import pydirectinput
import pyautogui
import time
time.sleep(2)#so u can switch to your game