I'm starting with CQRS and I think I'm not quite sure how (or if it's Ok to do it) to add a query that can have filtering and ordering on the result of the final query. For example:
public partial class GetParticipantListQuery : IRequest<IList<ParticipantDto>>
public Expression<Func<ParticipantDto, bool>> Filter { get; set; } = null;
public Func<IQueryable<ParticipantDto>, IQueryable<ParticipantDto>> OrderBy { get; set; } = null;
Then in the handler apply the filtering and ordering to the corresponding result from the DB Is this a good option? How can I achieve this kind of thing in my queries? My goal is to avoid creating one query for each filter I need, like "GetParticipantsByNameQuery", "GetParticipantsByTeamIdQuery" and so on an so forth
You can pass in a filter class which contains the necessary properties to filter the result.
For example:
public class Filter
//Property Name
public string Key { get; set; }
//Property Type eg. string, int, bool
public string Type { get; set; }
//Value to filter
public object Value { get; set; }
var result = from u in _context.Set<T>() select u;
case "string":
result = result.Where(e => EF.Property<string>(e, filter.Key).Equals((string)filter.Value));
This is just an example for string type, you can add your own type in the switch block to filter other types.