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Unable to create mat-radio-group from FormGroup

I am trying to create a set of radio buttons from a static set of FormControls within a FormGroup, and default checked when one is true.


export class RadioOverviewExample {

  public formModel: FormGroup;

  constructor() {}

  public ngOnInit() {
    this.formModel = new FormGroup({
      formName: new FormControl(''),
      formId: new FormControl(''),
      radioOptions: new FormGroup({
        train: new FormControl(true),
        subway: new FormControl(false),
        bus: new FormControl(false),
        taxi: new FormControl(false)


<form [formGroup]="formModel">

    <mat-radio-group formGroupName="radioOptions">
        <mat-radio-button *ngFor="let op of radioOptions.controls">



Error: Cannot read property 'controls' of undefined

Expected Output:

[X] Train   [] Subway   [] Bus   [] Taxi



  • A mat-radio-group only allow choose an unique option among differents options, so you only need an unique FormControl. You use an auxiliar array to show the options -not a control in Form

    <mat-radio-group formGroupName="radioOptions">
        <mat-radio-button *ngFor="let op of transports" [value]="op.value">

    and your formModel.get('radioOptions').value becomes 0,1,2 or 3

    You can also use a mat-radio-group stand alone and use [value] and (change) to give value to the differents controls of formGroup. Remember, a FormControl exist even if we has no input control

    <mat-radio-group [value]="getIndex()"
        <mat-radio-button *ngFor="let op of transports" [value]="op.value">

    And in .ts

      getIndex() //return the index of the first is true
        return Object.keys(this.formModel.value.radioOptions).findIndex(
          x => this.formModel.value.radioOptions[x]
      setValue(index: number) {
        Object.keys((this.formModel.get("radioOptions") as FormGroup).controls).forEach(
          (field, i) => {
            const control=this.formModel.get("radioOptions."+field)
            if (control)
              control.setValue(i == index);

    stackblitz with the last part